Press Releases
Confirmation.com Continues to Expand Globally through a Partnership with Confirmations Asia Pacific
27 Feb 2014 - 3 minutes read
NASHVILLE, TN and Melbourne, Australia - February 27, 2014 - Confirmation.com, the creator and world's leading provider of secure online audit confirmation services today announced Confirmations Asia Pacific as its new partner in the Asia Pacific region. 根据本协议规定,Confirmations Asia Pacific将向澳大利亚、香港、马来西亚、新西兰和新加坡的金融机构和会计事务所提供Confirmation.com服务。
通过此合作关系,Confirmations Asia Pacific将为金融机构提供更加高效的流程以回复审计询证函申请。此外,Confirmations Asia Pacific还将为审计人员提供更加安全的流程。 The value to auditors is that Confirmation.com validates the identity of a financial institution that responds to audit confirmation requests. This saves tremendous time, and more importantly brings greater integrity to the process of validating cash on hand and debt within financial statements.
"No solution currently exists in the Asia Pacific region for financial institutions and accounting firms to manage the audit confirmation process from end-to-end," said Natalie Lewicki, CEO of Confirmations Asia Pacific.“Confirmation.com通过一项服务集合了审计人员、银行及其共同的客户,可提升审计询证函流程的质量与交付。”
“Confirmation.com是一家久经考验的全球市场领先企业,我们很高兴能够通过本次合作将安全高效的在线审计询证函服务带往亚太地区。”Confirmations Asia Pacific董事长Tony Hallam表示。
“通过Confirmation.com,任何回复审计询证函申请的金融机构都将享有更加高效的无纸化流程,并能更快地进行回复。”Confirmation.com高级副总裁Dave Malone表示。“会计事务所不必再与纸质文件打交道,而是能够通过Confirmation.com获享精简的流程、更加精确的回复,并提升发现财务报表舞弊的能力。”
“亚太地区对于我们公司而言是一个重要市场。”Confirmation.com首席执行官Chris Schellhorn表示。 "With the propensity for fraud and the magnitude of those frauds both increasing on a global scale, we are committed to expanding our presence in this region and throughout the world."
除了与Confirmations Asia Pacific开展合作外,该公司还与南非的CQS Technology Holdings以及土耳其的Asa Makina签订了协议。公司还将继续向其在加拿大、欧洲、中东和非洲的网络中增加银行复函方。